20 weeks pregnant

You’re 20 Weeks Pregnant: What You Need to Know

Congratulations! You are 20 weeks pregnant now. In more or less 20 weeks, you’ll be able to see your little bundle of joy!

How Big Is My Baby?

Get a banana. That’s probably how big your baby is now—6.5 inches from crown to rump. He or she will most likely weigh around 10.2 ounces.

Abbey holding a banana
Your baby's about the size of a banana by now!

My Baby’s Development

Around this time, your baby is now gulping down a huge amount of amniotic fluid every day. That is several ounces more than before.

This week is also the time the organs of the baby are fully developing—from the chambers of the heart, the hemispheres of the brain, and the kidneys.

What Is My Baby Doing?

This stage of the pregnancy is working on the sucking reflexes of your baby. If your little one finds his or her thumb near his or her face, there is the instinct to suck his or her thumb.

Belly Ultrasound

During your ultrasound sessions, your doctor will regularly check and measure your baby's fundal height. Fundal height is the distance between the highest point of your uterus and your pubic bone. The measured height should match the number of weeks you are pregnant, give or take two centimetres at max. For example, this week, the fundal height measurement should range from 18 to 22 centimetres.

My Changing Body—Week 20

There are several things that your pregnancy hormones are doing to your body. Your nails are now stronger, and every strand of hair on your body is growing faster than usual. The hormones contribute to the surge of circulation of nutrients to both the nails and hair cells.

Common Symptoms

Reaching the 20th week of pregnancy can make you feel proud. The good thing about this stage is that you're probably not experiencing the symptoms in the first trimester of your pregnancy. However, we still can't avoid some minor yet annoying symptoms along the way. Listed below are some of them:

  • Vaginal Discharge - Expect the level of discharge will constantly increase until the day of delivery of the baby. It is your body’s way to make sure that your insides are clear of bacteria. However, inform your doctor what the colour of the discharge is, whether it is green or yellow so that he or she can advise you whether it is normal or not.
  • Growing Appetite - You might feel a little overwhelmed since you are not experiencing nausea and food aversions this week. Now you can make up for the lost eating time.
  • Heartburn - Your digestive system might feel a little bit crowded with your baby. Hence, this can lead to some heartburn at times. Just avoid spicy and acidic food to clear your way from this.
  • Occasional Headaches - You might feel headaches sometimes whenever you are inside confined spaces. Hence, make sure to expose yourself to fresh air once in a while.
  • Breathing Complications - Once your uterus expands, it will most likely push against your lungs which will lead to shortness of breath. If you are feeling a bit tired, make sure to rest for a bit to avoid gasping for air.

How Is My Life Changing

You might feel overwhelmed by the status of your pregnancy now. There might be times when you’ll find yourself lost with what to do next—will you just sit and rest, fix your baby’s registry, or clean the house? That’s normal at this stage. To make things easier, sign up for a childbirth class. It will enlighten you what to do in the next weeks of your pregnancy.

Week 20 Mommy Checklist

Here are some various things you should tick off from your checklist.

  • Inquire about your 24-week prenatal visit.
  • Update your pregnancy diet.
  • Enrol in a childbirth class.

Tips For The Partners

Make sure that your partner gets a good night rest. This week is the stage where she will feel uncomfortable with any sitting and sleeping position. Thus, it is important to assist her with this. Regularly ask her how she’s doing. If she is feeling uneasy, fetch her a pillow (or anything she wants) to help with her uneasiness.

A Sneak Peek To Your Week 21

If you are wondering what the gender of your baby is, this is probably the best time to ask your doctor to determine it for you—no need to be pressured about it. Just do this if both you and your partner are ready for it.

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