
Parenthood includes the glee and excitement of the baby’s first words, steps, and even social interactions. On the flip side, it also endures through the moments of the baby’s first fall, sickness, and through the first experiences of social distrust and rejection. As a parent, you may wish to have a complete guidebook about parenting that covers how to do everything from start to finish but that’s just not possible. You can, however, get helpful advice.

From caring for newborns to helping make decisions for your teenage children, our site has got you covered. Browse through our blog to get your most-needed parenting guide!

How to Have a Family Picnic Without Driving Far

As the weather starts to become friendlier and warmer, we can’t wait to spend more time staying and playing outdoors than to stay behind doors all day every day. Some go out and play, while others travel across towns to enjoy a change in scenery. Also, a rising outdoor activity that families and friends enjoy […]

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The Most Iconic Female Characters in Books and Movies

Let’s celebrate the qualities that make up a woman through the most female iconic characters in movies and literature. Woman—her strength, her persistence, her tenacity, her beauty. The media’s portrayal of women in movies and literature can be oftentimes questionable, such as enclosing them in old-fashioned stereotypes of being helpless on their own. But, thank

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How Often Should Grandparents See Their Grandchildren?

Without a doubt, babies bring families together. Relatives flock and fawn over the newborn claiming that the baby takes after their side of the family. It can be overwhelming, but they are family. Nothing can go wrong with that, right? Well, no not really until they cross their boundaries. Boundaries are more difficult to establish

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My Preschooler Can’t Read Yet (And That’s Ok)

as an ex-primary school teacher, you might think my kids would be ahead of the curve when it comes to education. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. My preschooler can’t read yet, and actually, there are two of them. Although they are not foreign to bedtime stories, my 4-year-old twin boys can’t read a

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Is One Child Enough – The Pressure of Having More Children

Pressure always comes when raising a family. There are always questions about the worthiness and readiness of being parents. Of one’s capability to provide for a family. But, when it comes to a family that chooses to birth and raise one child, external and internal pressures seem to magnify. More questions are directed towards the

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What People Don’t Tell You About Becoming a First-Time Dad

If there’s one word most kids deem synonymous with fathers, that will be heroes. It’s evident in the pictures they draw and the message they write on their father’s day cards. While becoming a first-time dad may seem easy enough, there are some things people don’t tell you about fatherhood. It’s a life-long process where

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